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Wealth & Wisdom continues to be a leader in communication training and economic trends & shifts research for its members. It provides up to date technology and is committed to personal service.  Wealth & Wisdom is a growing group of professionals from across the country who are deeply concerned about the direction we are heading and the impact it will have on everyone's financial future.  We believe KNOWLEDGE is something you learn, WISDOM is the ability to apply that knowledge to your everyday LIFE.

News Headlines

Solving the Myth of Rate of Return

It remains the single most motivating factor for almost all investment decisions; yet many people are completely mistaken as to how rate of return really works. Using rate of return (ROR) as the primary way to evaluate the performance of an investment is practically universal. Early in our adult lives we become comfortable with the notion that the return provides a direct and accurate way to judge an investment’s value. Often, the pursuit of good returns leads us to change advisors, choose new ...

What Is Inflation? How It's Measured and Managed

Definition: Inflation is the rising price of goods and services over time. It's an economics term that means you have to spend more to fill your gas tank, buy a gallon of milk, or get a haircut. That increases your cost of living.   Inflation reduces the purchasing power of each unit of currency. U.S. inflation has reduced the value of the dollar. Compare the Dollar's Value Today with that in the ...

A short history of QE and the market

Since November 2008, the Federal Reserve has gone through three rounds of quantitative easing to help stimulate the economy. Whether the efforts have helped for the long-term has yet to be seen, but many expect the Fed's actions to start tapering off later this year. Here's a look at key events in the Federal Reserve's bond-buying efforts, as well as the market's reaction.   November 25, 2008 Fed unveils $800 billion plan to bolster lending, housing With financial markets still not working ...
Tuesday, 02 December 2014 00:00

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras tincidunt convallis est venenatis consequat. Praesent et turpis in justo sodales convallis. Proin sagittis elit vel urna ultrices lobortis. Duis mattis neque nulla, eu molestie orci ullamcorper eget. Etiam sagittis elit quis consequat iaculis. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam cursus faucibus purus, eget rutrum urna pulvinar sed. Maecenas fermentum felis mi, a gravida massa dapibus malesuada. Morbi id ante quis mi pellentesque porttitor non quis tellus. Aenean vel consequat ante. Etiam dignissim tortor enim, ut varius enim euismod et. Nullam interdum arcu quis massa porttitor mattis. Suspendisse placerat volutpat velit, at efficitur massa.


Sed diam purus, ornare non condimentum ac, malesuada sed lectus. Praesent enim ligula, aliquet porttitor placerat et, ultrices in nunc. Quisque pellentesque molestie elementum. Sed massa tellus, pharetra a vulputate at, gravida sit amet leo. Vestibulum at felis commodo, tristique leo et, aliquam nibh. Donec eu cursus dui. Maecenas eget gravida neque. Vivamus ut gravida nulla, malesuada egestas nibh.


Pellentesque quis justo ante. Quisque nec pulvinar mauris. Aenean et porttitor nibh, non facilisis lorem. Phasellus sed commodo velit. Maecenas iaculis bibendum odio vitae blandit. Vivamus at laoreet quam. Morbi metus nisi, dictum non velit vitae, mollis euismod nunc. Integer dapibus mi massa, quis efficitur lorem mollis eu. Pellentesque vel accumsan arcu. Fusce lacinia ante et lectus auctor, ullamcorper dignissim nisi porta. Maecenas tempor ipsum est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras nec consequat lorem, sit amet pellentesque ipsum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec facilisis quam et sapien suscipit, id mollis erat accumsan. Pellentesque dignissim eu tellus non pharetra.

Read 65363 times Last modified on Friday, 09 January 2015 16:41
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